Turkish Grand Prix 2021 Tarot Reading

What can we expect to see in the Turkish Grand Prix?

Mood for the weekend – Strength

What to look out for – Queen of Cups

Outcome –Wheel of Fortune

Mood for the weekend: Strength

On the card, Brienne of Tarth gazes at her sword Oathkeeper. On the pommel is a golden lion, the sigil of House Lannister.

This is a Major Arcana card; this means it’s message and position in this reading is important.

This is a card of Inner Strength. In traditional decks, this card usually depicts a woman subduing a lion by gently restraining it by a gentle pat on the head, there is no need for her to use any force and this is what this card is saying, you don’t need to roar at the world, just talk quietly and it will listen to you.

We’ve all heard far too much from Horner, Wolff, Hamilton and Alonso, among others lately, all wanting to shout their mouths off or talk non-stop about what they believe is wrong and why it’s not fair on them. This weekend I believe while the usual suspects are whining at the media about the world has got it in for them, the quiet ones are going about their business and getting things done without saying a word and in so doing will surprise the gobshites on Sunday.

What to look out for: Queen of Cups

On the card, Sansa Stark kneels in prayer in the Red Keep’s Godswood.

The suit of Cups represents the element of water, this in turn shows us intuition and emotions.

This Queen is a romantic, mature, sensitive person, who helps people understand their emotions, she’s a good listener and empathic, she listens to her higher self, her, heart and her intuition.

This person will have a lot to say this weekend, not necessarily in words but they will be at the centre of things, on and off the track. This is someone who works for the greater good and see’s the best in people and as their intuition is good, they may know more than they’re letting on. This is someone who may surprise this weekend (Vettel? It sounds like him)

Outcome: Wheel of Fortune

On the card, a cart wheel with the sigil’s of the main houses carved on the outside is shown. Perched on one of the spokes is a mockingbird, the symbol of Petyr ‘Littlefinger’ Baelish, an expert manipulator.

This is also a Major Arcana card.

We all know the wheel of fortune is continually turning and it all depends which way it’s turning in your life as to whether good luck is coming or bad luck.

Someone’s luck is on the turn this weekend, it can only be two people can’t it, so it’s easy to say, whoever wins this race will possibly win the WDC. Whatever the result the two main contagonist’s this year will see their luck change, one for the good and one for the bad.


It’s safe to say that it’s time Wolff, Horner and others shut the f*** up, do your talking on the track, because the silent majority may very well pull the wool over your eyes this weekend. Following on from the first card, someone who does their good work quietly and without fuss will gain a lot of attention this weekend, possibly more that all those who constantly bicker amongst themselves. The wheel of fortune will turn in someone’s favour this weekend but not for someone else (Lewis and Max? It’s got to be) This weekends race will have far reaching consequences, but beware of someone who wants to turn misfortune to his advantage (Wolff and/or Horner?)

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