Russian Grand Prix 2021 Tarot Reading

What can we expect to see in the Russian Grand Prix?

Mood for the weekend – The World

What to look out for – Queen of Coins

Outcome – Six of Swords

Mood for the Weekend: The World

On the card we see the map of Westeros and in the corners, we see the sigil animals of the 4 main houses, Baratheon, Lannister, Targaryen and Stark.

This is a Major Arcana card, so its message is important not just for this weekend but for the future.

This card is saying you’ve learned all that it’s possible to learn in this cycle, so it’s time to move on and take what you’ve learned and take it with you into the next cycle of your life.

After the last race I think this is an important point, it’s time to move on, take what you’ve leaned and apply it to the up-and-coming races, it’s very important to learn from your mistakes, which I think is the underlying message in this card, take what you’ve learned and move on.

What to look out for: Queen of Coins

On the card, Lady Oleanna Tyrell sits in a conservatory with a gold coin bearing her family sigil sitting on her knee.

The suit of coins, or pentacles, represents the element of earth, this in turn shows us family, money, career, possessions and sometimes the actual earth.

This Queen is a practical and organised person, she can also make sensible decisions and is well grounded and emotionally balanced, she also cares and protects others. Lady Oleanna, in Game of Thrones, was also called ‘The Queen of Thorns’ for her sharp tongue. I’m thinking that sharp words will be exchanged throughout this weekend, another hangover from Monza and I’m thinking someone will be called upon to mediate and keep the peace, I’m thinking possibly Alex Wurz or Sebastian Vettel in their GPDA capacity.

Outcome: Six of Swords

On the card, Arya Stark is rowed across the harbour in Braavos to the House of Black and White, to start her training as a faceless man. I the distance is a statue of the Titan of Braavos, a legendary figure who is said to wade into the sea and defend the city against invaders.

The suit of Swords represents the element of air, this can show us communication, logic and challenges.

This card also says ‘It’s time to move on’ it’s time to move away from all the shit that’s going on in your life and settle for a new life, a time of transition. This is interesting, I’m thinking a new order is coming, Lewis’ time is possibly coming to an end, and someone else’s is on the rise. On some cards, this one as well, there is an invisible hand guiding you, maybe it’s time to shake it off and do your own thing. The King is dead, long live the King.


The overwhelming message of this reading is it’s time to move on, get over it and learn from your mistakes, this could be a driver or F1 as a sport. The first and third cards are saying it’s time to let go of the past, take what you’ve learned and transform yourself into something new, the second card is saying, this may not be easy, some people won’t be happy and will argue the toss at every opportunity (Toto and/or Marko anyone) finding a mediator will be a good start to sorting yourself out.