Imola GP 2022 Tarot Reading

What can we expect to see in the Imola Grand Prix?

Mood for the weekend – King of Swords

What to look out for – The Emperor

Outcome – Eight of Swords

All the cards have people with swords on them, two are brandishing them, one is trapped. Suggesting, someone is ready for a fight and someone else is feeling trapped.

Mood for the Weekend: King of Swords

On the card, The Night King stands in the Fist of the First Men brandishing a scimitar.

The suit of swords represents the element of air which in turn shows us logic, communication and challenges.

This is a card of logic, intelligence, assertiveness and authority.

A mature mind and calm, analytical intellect will do well this weekend, it is not a time for emotional outbursts. Precise communication, ethical behaviour and professionalism is the key to success this weekend.

What to look out for: The Emperor

On the card, Jon Snow Brandishes his sword Longclaw against a grey, cloudy background.

This a Major Arcana card, it shows that the meaning of the card will have significance, now and in the future.

This card says it’s time to think logically and rationally about your situation, you need rules and structure to guide you this weekend.

This card is also saying there is a need for stability and order, chaos is something that bothers you immensely and you’ll do anything to avoid it. This card is very similar to the previous one so, there is a big need for logic and stability this weekend to do what needs to be done and not let emotions get in the way.

Outcome: Eight of Swords

On the card, Brienne of Tarth sits beneath a tree, she is surrounded by eight swords that look like they are imprisoning her.

This is a card of the feeling of being trapped and limited.

Someone is thinking there is no way out of this situation that they find themselves in, weakened by circumstances or by worrying about other peoples opinions of you, these limitations are usually self-imposed, you’re being imprisoned by your own victim mentality. You need courage to break out of this feeling of being trapped, do you enjoy telling the world there’s nothing you can do to get out of the situation you’re in?, do you revel in the sympathy your plight generates? Is it just easier to complain that actually get up and do something to change this situation (I wonder who this is, answers on a postcard please) This person needs to get off their arse, stop feeling sorry for themselves and get back in the fight, this is make or break time, if they don’t break out of this victim mentality, they never will after this weekend, all is lost.


Two different situations for two different people, someone is going to have to think carefully, make some very precise plans and call on all their courage and steely determination to win this weekend and not let their emotions overwhelm them (Charles? Carlos). At the other end of the scale, when things don’t go to plan, someone will sink into a victim mentality and blame outside forces for their failure (Lewis? Max?) They need to break out of the feeling of being trapped in a mire of failing machinery and actually call on their driving skills to get the results they need; it must be done this weekend or they’ll never break down the walls of their own making they’ve built up.

Australian GP 2022 Tarot Reading

What can we expect to see in the Australian Grand Prix?

Mood for the weekend – Three of Swords

What to look out for – Queen of Swords

Outcome – The Moon

Mood for the Weekend: Three of Swords

On this card are three swords, Longclaw, Heartsbane and Widow’s Wail piercing the Lord of Light’s flaming heart sigil of Stannis Baratheon. Against a snowy sky.

The suit of swords represents the element of air, this shows logic, communication and challenges.

This is a card of Heartbreak, sorrow and betrayal.

Someone is going to be betrayed, by a teammate, by a team, by a friend, I don’t know but I do know this will probably set the dynamics for the upcoming season. Tensions will raise, arguments will become the norm, dirty linen will be aired in public and moral will plummet. This may be an opportunity to take a long hard look at where you need to go after this, is it worth all the hassle.

What to look out for: Queen of Swords

On the card, Cersei sits on the Iron Throne

You need to be truthful, no matter the cost, to yourself or others. Following on from the previous card, do you need to give some serious thought into what you need to do about this, do you need to talk this out with someone higher up the chain, is something going on that you can’t quite put your finger on. You have a keen sense of justice and you feel you need to pursue what’s happened to see a fair outcome.

Outcome: The Moon

On the card, The Moon Door from The Eyrie is shown, along with a mockingbird, the sigil of Littlefinger.

This is a Major Arcana card, so it’s meaning has significant importance beyond this weekend.

This card is a warning, it’s a card of darkness, illusion and the unconscious.

This is a call to pay attention to your intuition, that feeling of paranoia may have a spark of truth about it, there are things going on in the shadows and don’t take things at face value, there is something going on behind closed doors that may not be noticeable but there is manipulation going on. If your gut feeling is raising red flags then pay attention to them, your intuition will serve you well.


It’s clear all is not well in the paddock this weekend, things are going on in the shadows, I don’t know who is involved whether it’s teammates, teams or the FIA but someone is definitely muddying the waters, I don’t think it’s the usual suspects, Wolff and Horner, there’s someone new bringing disharmony to the paddock. There is someone out there who is aware of what’s going on and they’re looking for a way to get justice for those affected by the manipulation of events this weekend.